HYP’s 2017 Professional Development series is pleased to have Karen Young from HR Resolutions to go over some interview tips and tools.
Karen is the award winning founder and president of HR Resolutions, which is a full service human resources and personal management company. Her company has been around the Harrisburg area since 2005 to help companies improve work place atmospheres. With over 25 years of experience Karen brings her wealth of knowledge as a human resources professional to many companies through out Central PA and is going to tell you some of the tips and tools she has picked up through out the years.
The Professional Development Series, provided by HYP, is designed to provide content to you, our members, on topics ranging from building a resume to personal brand on social media. This is a member’s only event, and an RSVP is required to attend as seating is very limited. We will be at HACC Midtown 2 in room 204. Please RSVP to by June 13th if attending.