Would you like to develop and enhance your public speaking skills? Perhaps you’re trying to land your next career opportunity or would like to feel more confident speaking in front of others? Then HYP Toastmasters is the club for you!
HYP Toastmasters will be hosting its Spring Open House on March 27th at 6:00 pm. Be our guest and try the Toastmasters’ experience. Our club will open its doors for all newcomers to learn more about the club and how we can help you find your voice and develop your leadership style.
We will host a mini-seminar on public speaking tips from some of Harrisburg’s finest professional development coaches. Then, you will be given the opportunity to speak in our lightning round, called “Table Topics”, for your chance to win one of several gift cards!
For more information, please check out the HYP Toastmasters Facebook page for speaker announcements and for further information about our club.