As a bookend to last month’s book (a discussion of ghosts and the hereafter in “Lincoln in the Bardo”), this month we’re reading “The Great Divorce” by C.S. Lewis. You may have heard of him as the author of the beloved “Narnia” series, but Lewis’ bread and butter was theological writing and storytelling. “The Great Divorce” is a story and a reflection on conceptions of heaven and hell, told through a story that draws on the works of some great philosophers and authors (St. Augustine, Dante Aligheri, John Milton, and Lewis Carroll). The title itself refers to a William Blake poem. Just the kind of light stuff we like over the holidays! We meet in the back room (behind the children’s section) of the Midtown Scholar. Please RSVP and/or send questions to Joe Foner at See you there, and happy reading!

HYP Book Club – “The Great Divorce”
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