Howdy Folks!
HYP Spring Flag Football, Frisbee, and Volleyball Leagues Registration are open! All sports are social and fun to play. Gather a group of friends and sign your team up, or sign up as a Free Agent and get placed on a team.
Sand Volleyball is back with a Tuesday and Thursday night leagues. All games are conveniently located on City Island Harrisburg. Sign up and grab seven of your friends and get ready for a great time. This year, Zeroday Brewing Co and Knead are sponsoring our post-game activities, so you can go there after games for socials and discounts Learn more about the league and sign up for Volleyball Here.
Flag Football games are played on Sunday mornings at locations in Harrisburg. The program is co-ed and split into a Casual and Elite division so you can cause your level of play. Learn more and sign up for Flag Football here.
Frisbee, in partnership with the Central PA Ultimate Club, is taking registrations now. unlike other HYP sports, all teams will be created via a draft. For more details on the league head to the website.